Death By Flaming Ring



A ring modulator tripping at the gates of hell!

This crazy device allows you to create the wildest sounds you thought you can’t even imagine.

The VOLUME knob found in the original, which allows you to set the overall loudness of the effect. The BLEND knob which lets you decide how much (or even if any at all!) of the clean signal is mixed with the engaged effect. This addition allows you to tame this crazy unit.

The WARP control is a standard frequency selector found in ring modulators. It’s the heart of the controls in this pedal and you’ll find yourself turning this pot back and forth like an addict!

We have also included an additional footswitch that enables cross-talk between the ring modulation sections – we called this the MELTDOWN mod and this is the most suitable name for what comes out of the speaker cab when this mode is engaged.

This leads us to the WORMHOLE control as it’s only operative when the MELTDOWN mode is active. It allows you to control the cross-talk even further, and if you think that this control would be a great candidate for an expression pedal, then you’re in luck – future updates will include an expression pedal option for the WORMHOLE parameter.

This pedal is an embodiment of a psychedelic experience!


  • Blend
  • Clean
  • Level
  • Wormhole
  • Warp
  • XYZ
  • Wormhole
  • Bypass


4.75 x 2.50 x 2.25 in. (121 x 64 x 57 mm)

This device takes a standard 9 volt DC power supply. DO NOT USE MORE THAN 9V DC.

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